
Character T-Shirt

Who's that on your t-shirt?  The 8th grade literature classes analyzed literary characters by making a t-shirt.  First, the students chose a paper t-shirt template.  They wrote the character's name, book, and author on the front of the t-shirt.  Each character was displayed on the front of the t-shirt either by drawing the character or using a picture from the internet.  On the back of the shirt, students analyzed the character's traits.  They wrote descriptions of the character's appearance, actions, motives, etc.  In addition, eighth graders identified the character as static/dynamic, round/flat, and protagonist/antagonist, as well as described the main conflicts.  Some students chose to share a little extra creativity by decorating their t-shirt in the style of the character.  Students showed their artistic side at the same time that they explored the different aspects of literary characters.